Research Articles

Cold War Endgames
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Pierre Allan|
The End Of The Cold War: Evaluating Theories Of International Relations, 1992
This text examines some of the main theories of international relations through a single major historical turning point namely the end of the Cold War.

Korean-American Trade Conflict: What is the Problem?
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Management, 1991
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Goals, Preferences, and Games: Toward a Theory of International Bargaining
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Pierre Allan|
Politiche Economiche Nazionale E Regimi Internazionali, 1991
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The Future of APEC
Asia-Pacific Crossroads: Regime Creation and the Future of APEC, 1998
Regionalism has become a prominent feature of international relations in the second half of the 20th century, but one whose significance for the international order is not yet fully understood.

Mexican Meltdown: States, Markets, and post-NAFTA Financial Turmoil
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Third World Quarterly, 1996
The devaluation of the Mexican peso in December 1994 triggered a financial panic that required massive intervention by the United States government and the International Monetary Fund in an effort to prevent a full-scale financial collapse.

Comparing Regional Cooperation Efforts in the Asia-Pacific and North America
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Pacific Cooperation: Building Economic and Security Regimes in the Asia Pacific Region, 1994
John Maynard Keynes once said that “Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”

Modeling Peruvian Debt Rescheduling in the 1980s
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Studies in Comparative International Development, 1994
International debt rescheduling is a strategic game in which the stakes are the wealth and power of banks and nations.

Building International Institutions in Asia-Pacific
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Asian Survey, 1993
In the view of the ongoing difficulties in concluding the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT), both policymakers and scholars have increasingly turned their attention to institutional arrangements in the Asia-Pacific.

The Future of the Liberal Trading Order
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
The Post-Cold War Order, 1993
Predicting the future is risky business, generally best left to sorcerers and fortune-tellers who can adapt their predictions to the needs of their clients.

The Political Economy of Service Sector Negotiations in the Uruguay Round
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 1992
The multilateral trading system has been under attack.

Debt Forgiveness: Dangerous Trend or Absolute Necessity?
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
World Link, 1991
As the debt crisis drags on into a second decade, debate rages over whether the banks should forgive part of the debt owed to them by debtor countries.

Foreign Debt: The Mexican Experience
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Relazioni Internazionali, 1990
On February 4, 1990, Mexico and its creditors signed an international debt accord that was both hailed and assailed.