Industrial policy is not new, but it seems to have enjoyed a revival in policymaking circles. While plenty of attention has been given to currency manipulation—whether it be currency pegs or competitive devaluations and so-called currency wars—much less attention has been given to industrial policymaking in recent years.
In this project a sectoral cut on industrial policy will be taken, to facilitate cross-country comparisons in motive, discrimination, and in potential beggar-thy-neighbor consequences. Berkeley APEC Study Center, with the generous support from the EU Center of Excellence at Berkeley, hosted two upcoming conferences in Berkeley on May 3, 2013 and in St. Gallen, Switzerland in the fall of 2013. Both of the meetings will provide policy recommendations to businesspeople and government officials who are intimately involved with many of these issues.
The first meeting commenced on May 3, 2013 in 370 Dwinelle Hall at the University of California, Berkeley.
Sponsored by the EU Center of Excellence at Berkeley.