Research Articles

Bilateral Trade Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Bilateral Trade Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific, 2006
Countries in the Asia-Pacific region increasingly fear that multilateral trade forums such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) cannot always effectively hammer out the terms of global trade liberalization.

Bilateral Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific
Countries in the Asia-Pacific have become increasingly unreceptive to multilateral trade forums like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) because of fears that such organizations cannot work effectively at mediating such a contentious issue. Instead, countries in the Asia-Pacific have begun to turn towards bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs). With […]
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The Evolution of APEC and ASEM: Implications of the New East Asian Bilateralism
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo|
The European Journal of East Asian Studies, 2005
The traditional institutional equilibrium in East Asia—the embraceof the WTO at the multilateral level and a focus on market-driven, informal integration at the sub-multilateral level—is under heavy strain.

Beyond Network Power: The Dynamics of Formal Economic Integration in Northeast Asia
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo|
Pacific Review, 2005
At the turn of the new millennium, the traditional institutional equilibrium of East Asian economic integration—the embrace of the WTO at the multilateral level and a focus on market-driven, informal integration at the regional level—is under heavy strain.

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): Transregionalism with a new cause?
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Interregionalism and International Relations A Stepping Stone to Global Governance?, 2005
In this chapter, we argue that the recognition of shared security concerns will serve as a useful lever to encourage cooperation among APEC countries and to breathe new life into APEC, albeit as an organization whose external and internal circumstances have changed.

The Limits of Interregionalism: The EU and North America
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Journal of European Integration, 2005
In this article, we view the past practice and future prospects of EU interregionalism toward North America in their commercial relations through an analytical lens we have developed elsewhere (Aggarwal and Fogarty 2004).

Diverging Trade Strategies in Latin America: An Analytical Framework
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
The Strategic Dynamics of Latin American Trade, 2004
To explain the rationales that lie behind this increasing divergence among the trade strategies of our four case study countries, we focus primarily on what we term their trade preferences.

Explaining Trends in EU Interregionalism
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
European Union Trade Strategies: Between Globalism and Regionalism, 2004
Each of the authors in this book focuses on the EU and a counterpart region to determine which factors have had the greatest effect on interregional processes and outcomes over time for that particular case.

Between Regionalism and Globalism: European Union Transregional and Interregional Trade Strategies
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
European Union Trade Strategies: Between Globalism and Regionalism, 2004
This chapter provides the analytical framework for this volume to examine and characterize many of the world’s emerging interregional relationships.

Collaboration and Coordination in the Global Political Economy
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Global Political Economy, 2004
This chapter considers the problem of collaboration by first characterizing the situations that might require states to work with each other to achieve a desired outcome (the problem of the nature of the goods involved).

The Strategic Dynamics of Latin American Trade
|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|
Conclusions, 2004
This conclusion reviews the findings from our contributors’ analysis, and assesses how well the abstract analysis from the introduction holds up when considered alongside the many factors and considerations introduced by the case studies.

EU Transregionalism Strategies in the New Economy
With the support of the Institute of European Studies at U.C. Berkeley, BASC initiated a project that considers “transregionalism” as an emerging level of international trade relations. In particular, it studies the effect on EU trade strategies of the growing importance of new economy firms and the halt in progress in global trade negotiations. Will […]
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