The Past, Present, and Future of Asia’s Institutional Architecture

Vinod K. Aggarwal and Min Gyo Koo

Asia’s New Institutional Architecture, 2007

How effective will these burgeoning regional and interregional institutions be in managing Asia’s increasingly complex economic and security ties? What are the intrinsic linkages between trade and security arrangements? What do these new trends mean for the future of Asia? The future institutional trajectory of Asia is still open, but this volume has explored both recent efforts and possible future scenarios for the region to understand the types of institutional solutions that may be feasible in Asia. Based on an institutional bargaining game approach, contributors to this book provide a rich theoretical and empirical analysis of trends and prospects both within and among Northeast, Southeast, and South Asia.

The remainder of this chapter proceeds as follows. Section 10.2 presents a discussion and evaluation of our theoretical argument. We then consider the broad shifts in Asia’s economic and security environment that we have seen based on John Ravenhill’s and Keiichi Tsunekawa’s chapters, respectively, in Section 10.3. Section 10.4 highlights the key findings of subregional chapters on Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Section 10.5 examines the key links between security and trade issues in the formation and evolution of new institutions. Finally, in a more speculative vein, Section 10.6 evaluates the prospects for Asian regional integration in trade and security in a rapidly changing context and its implications for both Asia and other regions of the world.

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