Vinod K. Aggarwal and Min Gyo Koo
Regionalism in Northeast Asia, 2007
The first section of this chapter systemically categorizes a wide range of economic and security arrangements that NEA countries have adopted during the postwar period. This allows us to examine the “baseline” institutional landscape during the Cold War period in the second section. The middle sections then investigate each of the triple postshocks: the post–Cold War, the post–Asian financial crisis, and the post–9/11 attacks. In each section, we show how national responses to external shocks have led to significant changes in the region’s institutional architecture, in the context of existing institutions. The final section summarizes the new developments in the triple postperiods in terms of goods, the number of participants, geography, scope, and nature. In the concluding section, we summarize our argument and consider the most recent events to gauge and assess the likely direction of NEA regionalism. In particular, we focus on policy shifts and their implications in the context of rising tension between nationalism and regionalism.