Seungjoo Lee

Seungjoo Lee is a Senior Research Affiliate at BASC and Professor at Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea). He is a comparative political economist interested in U.S.-Japan trade disputes over high technology industries, political dynamics of informal networks in Japan and Korea, political bias in redistributive policy, and the transformation of the developmental state in the age of globalization. He has previously served as an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore and Yonsei University. He has also worked with BASC as a postdoctoral fellow where he focused on bilateralism in trade in Asia. As a regional specialist with expertise in Korean, Japanese, American, and Singaporean political economy, he currently investigates the divergent FTA strategies of East Asian countries.

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Content By Seungjoo Lee

Asia’s Middle Powers and New Economic Statecraft

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Seungjoo Lee|

As the articles in this cover package of Global Asia illustrate, the rivalry between China and the United States, particularly in the hightech sector, represents a heightened deployment of economic statecraft that leaves…

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The Domestic Political Economy of Preferential Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Seungjoo Lee|

Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions, Springer, 2010
With respect to domestic politics, we show how subnational actors engage in lobbying, both of their own governments and through their links to others in the region.

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Evolving Trade Strategies in the Asia-Pacific

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Seungjoo Lee|

Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions, Springer, 2010
This chapter evaluates the trends we have seen in the Asia-Pacific, with an eye to explaining the dynamics of the formation of trade policies and negotiation of agreements, focusing primarily on bilateral FTAs pursued by countries.

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The Future of Northeast Asia’s Institutional Architecture

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo| Seungjoo Lee|

Northeast Asia, 2008
The institutional architecture under the San Francisco system served Northeast Asia well for the Cold War period, obviating the need for any significant regional institutionalization of both economic and security affairs.

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