Executive Education
- 6/16: Graduate Institute Geneva, Executive Master in International Negotiation and Policy-Making
- 5/16: Haas Executive Education Program, UC Berkeley.
- 3/10-7/13: Advanced Management Program (AMP), INSEAD, France. Focus on management challenges in the global political economy.
- 92-07: Regular participant in the Haas Executive Education program, UC Berkeley. Rated highest among all faculty members in month-long program, 2000.
- 9/02-12/08: Haas Executive Program for Cisco Executives
- 9/02: Gordon Institute of Business Science Executive Program, University of Pretoria, South Africa
- 9/94: Lectured on “Changes in the Global Economy” for the Japan-Focused Executive MBA Program, U. of Hawaii
- 11/93: Lectured on international negotiation strategies to diplomats as part of a training program on economic negotiations, sponsored by the University of Geneva
- 10/93: Lectured on the implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement for business and labor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, Italy and Boston University MBA program in Rome
- 9/93: Lectured to Thai state governors on U.S trade policy, Berkeley-Hong Kong Project, Berkeley
Advisory Experience
- 6/14: Non-Resident Fellow, The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington
- 7/13: Study on new developments in industrial policy and trade policy World Bank.
- 9/10: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), discussion of global political economy and leadership.
- 9/09: APEC Technical Assistance and Training Facility, US AID: study on engaging ABAC and civil society in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- 1/08: S. Department of State: The Future of Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific
- 6/07: Trade policy discussion, for a conference on “Trends and Shocks”, U.S. Department of Defense
- 4/07: Consulted with ASEAN to organise a conference entitled “ASEAN talks Business”
- 8/06: Prepared a study on integration strategies for ASEAN for USAID
- 4/05: Prepared a study for the ILO on business association lobbying strategies
- 6/03: Chair, International Advisory Board, University of Geneva International Organizations MBA program
- 12/02: Co-Principal Speaker, WTO Training Program for Negotiators for Developing Countries
- 7/99-1/00: Consultant to Global Mechanism of the U.N. Conference to Combat Desertiffication, (housed in the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome) on the possibility of linking debt reduction to environmental conditionality
- 5/99: Search Committee Member for economists for the East-West Center, Honolulu.
- 10/98: Prepared a study comparing debt rescheduling outcomes in Asia and Latin America for the World Bank
- 5/97: External reviewer for the Department of Economics, Central European University, Budapest, with Profs. John Harsanyi and Anders Åslund
- 1994-1995: Adviser to Dr. C. Fred Bergsten, Chairman, Group of Eminent Persons, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum
- 10/91: Prepared a study for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on trading companies and export strategies for small and medium-size enterprises in Eastern Europe
- 1/85-9/85: Group of Thirty, New York– research on cooperation and conflict among banks and governments in the current debt crisis
- 12/84-12/85: Research and writing for a study entitled the Costs and Benefits of Protection, published by the OECD in preparation for the GATT Uruguay Round.
- 11/83-2/83: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)–prepared a study on U.S. public policy and corporate strategies in textile trade
- 3/82-4/82: UNCTAD– preparation of a portion of a handbook for negotiators in international trade
- 1/80-6/80: U.S. Department of Commerce– wrote a study of U.S. policy options regarding industrial adjustment problems in the American textile and apparel industries
- 6/75-9/75: Dirección General de Economía Agrícola, Government of Mexico—examined the political implications of agricultural land reform
Corporate Consulting
- 7/20: GEC Academy, New York.
- 2/20: Emerging Markets in East Asia focus, Pacific Pension and Investment Institute, February 2020.
- 11/16: Work with Bank of America-Merrill Lynch on trade policy
- 11/13: Development of GIL University one-year executive training program in business and public policy in Malaysia (with Frost & Sullivan).
- 1/12-8/12: Project to evaluate impact of Malaysian FTAs on the service sector industry
- 8/11: Project on Asia-Pacific strategies for Merck, Germany in collaboration with McKinsey.
- 3/10: Globalization and corporate strategy, Genentech, Inc.
- 9/02-12/08: Focus on trends in the global economy and strategic responses for Cisco, Inc.
- 7/08: Globalization strategies, Molex, Inc.
- 4/08: Talk on Asia Pacific trends, Russell Investments 20-20 Annual Meeting
- 3/08: Talk on “Thriving in an Era of Globalization,” Cisco, Inc. Cisco Manufacturing Leadership Meeting
- 10/07: Globalization and strategy, ING, Inc.
- 5/07: Doing business in India, VOD, Cisco, Inc.
- 2/07: Discussion of global trade, Investment Management Consultants Association
- 10/06: Analysis of the global political economy and strategic responses for Statoil.
- 10/04: Internationalization strategies, Avaya, Inc.
- 3/04: Strategic responses to the changing trading order, Bracco Pharmaceuticals, Milan, Italy
- 4/03: Strategies for the changing international economy, Qualcomm Inc.
- 11/00: Analysis of regionalism in the global economy, Herman Miller, Inc.
- 11/98: Analysis of the Asian crisis and APEC, Italcementi, Italy.
- 9/98: Project on global finance and regulation, Union Bank, San Francisco
- 6/95: Examination of the implications of regional trends in the world economy for corporate strategies, Nestle Inc., Switzerland
- 2/95: Discussion of Asia-Pacific regionalism and its implications for strategic planning, ARCO
- 1/95: Lectures on regionalism in the world economy for senior managers, Hewlett Packard
- 6/94: Lecture for senior managers on political and economic trends in the world economy, LeviStrauss and Co.
- 4/90: Advised Esprit De Corp. on trade strategies, San Francisco
- 2/89: Advised ENI on negotiation strategies in the oil, chemical, and construction industries to promote the internationalization of the company, Rome, Italy
- 9/86: American Fair Trade Council, San Francisco—Strategy for importers and retailers