The Berkeley APEC Study Center (BASC) was created at the end of 1996 at the University of California at Berkeley. Currently, it is housed under the Institute of East Asian Studies. Its mission is to promote multidisciplinary research activities that analyze political, economic, and business trends in the Asia-Pacific related to APEC — the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Forum. APEC’s twenty-one member countries, lining the Pacific Rim, represent over half the world’s annual output and half of total world trade.
BASC’s primary mission is to produce and disseminate timely analyses and information to academics and decision-makers in both the public and private sphere to facilitate the creation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the business, academic, and policymaking communities. To this end, the Center brings together scholars from various disciplines, institutes, and centers from Berkeley and around the world to foster collaborative research on APEC-related issues. Our activities include research projects, business leadership conferences, support for teaching about APEC, international conferences, colloquia, policy briefings, newsletters, policy papers, and book publications.