Welcome Alumni!
The Berkeley APEC Study Center is looking to rebuild and foster relationships with (and between) past research assistants, project directors, and research affiliates. Looking to get more involved?
Get in touch: We want to know where you are now and what you have been up to! E-mail us or our Project Director with your latest contact information to catch up with BASC and other Alumni.
Blog with BASC: Join current BASCers in blogging about trade and geopolitics in the Asia Pacific. Visit our blog here. Send us an Email if you are interested in sharing your thoughts on trade and security in the Asia-Pacific! We’ll explain how to access and post on the BASC Research blog.
Visit our Facebook page: Check out BASC friends for network opportunities and to catch up with former classmates and new BASCers.
Browse through the Alumni Directory:
Connect back to BASC and see what your friends and colleagues have accomplished.